Your brand is your problem.
That problem is the reason you exist.
Wow. That probably sounded harsher than it needed to. Your brand certainly isn’t the only challenge you face in a new endeavor and it’s certainly not the greatest challenge facing our world today. Branding is just one of the many issues that you’re sure to be juggling.
Your brand is …
Your brand is the what, how and why of your offering. It's the problem you're solving. The pain points you’re eliminating. It's the thing that your audiences need, hope and expect to get from you all rolled into one.
There’s often a lot of anxiety about getting brand definition right, but it isn’t impossible and it doesn’t always require outside help. If you’re starting out small, try tackling it yourself. A trusted friend or mentor can serve as an honest sounding board.
Work through your purpose, mission and vision first. They work together to set the foundation for your positioning and future communications. A well-defined purpose will keep you grounded while smoothing out the twists and turns that are certain to come as you grow. Your mission should make your offering immediately clear. Vision sets the course for the impact that you’re working towards.
The questions are easy.
The download below lays out the key questions for defining your brand. The questions are pretty straightforward, but agreeing on the answers is sometimes hard. If you’re stuck or have multiple voices that need to be heard consider working with an outside consultant. If you’ve got the funding and need to scale quickly then bring in an agency.
If your brand isn’t solving a problem, well that’s a problem.
Reach out if you would like to make sense of all of this, or download the worksheet below and give it a try.
Give it a try.
Download the worksheet below.